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Featured Vizionaries

Here, you will witness the work of other Vizionaries, whether it's a painting, poetry, music, or even someone simply talking and sharing their ideas. This page is for you.





Given that part of this brand is focused on using arts/creating to make the world better, you can submit whatever form of art or idea you have, if it is related to the vizion in some way or form. I'm not going to limit it to say “it has to be good.” Art is expression, as long as you are being true to yourself, creating something original, using YOUR voice, its is good art. Don't be discouraged because your creation isn't getting recognized as a Picasso grade piece, everyone has their own style, their own flow- EMBRACE that. Embrace the fact that you are different, have different thoughts, see the lines differently, move differently. Find your self worth, and you will be successful. Once you find your self worth, and truly believe in yourself and know what works for you, you will be unstoppable. Find your self worth, your skills, your level. Everyone has a different skill, everyone is on a different level. Some people learn or move fast while others are slower paced. However, never mistake movement for progress. There are people moving fast, making “big moves” yet haven't progressed one bit. It's a facade. Drop the facade, do something real, be real, and embrace every step of that reality. I understand that what's real isn't always the best; some may grow up where the real is they have no money to get by, some may grow up where the real is they have bad reputation because of a family member, some may grow up where the real is they don't know if they'll see tomorrow. You can change that. You have a vizion of how you want life to be, where you want to be at, what you want to do. Put that vizion into action. Somewhere down the line, whether you use paintings or music or whether you want to make a car, you'll find that others connect and will want to help.


There is art in everything.

Contact info will be provided if you wish to find out more info and/or purchase (if that option is available)

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