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Long Live

The Vizion,

The Vizionaries,

and I

Long Live The Vizion... question, what's more important: the message, or the messenger? Well, without the message, there’d be no messenger... the messenger would be without a purpose... without a vizion, there’s no Vizionary..... so, what’s your answer to the question?... pay more attention to the message than anything, for just following the messenger, you are leaving yourself vulnerable... the messenger delivers their interpretation of something, which may be different from your own making it difficult for you to understand, or you may understand it the wrong/ a different way, given that you yourself are an individual, different than everyone else... not only that, for example, given that the messenger is (in this case) human, and humans are far from perfect no matter how hard we try, we make mistakes, big or small... that is another reason to pay more attention to the message... also, when you first take the messenger out of the picture and look at the actual message for just a moment, the picture gets a lot bigger, and much more clear.... don’t get me wrong, not at all saying ignore the messenger, just don’t make the messenger bigger than the message... life relevancy: you played telephone telephone right? Starts with one person who says one thing, it can be anything, like pineapple.. so the first person whispers pineapple to another, then it's passed down, and passed down and down and down and like 10 people down, somehow the message goes from pineapple to soup (bit of an exaggeration but you should get the point)... if the delivery is flawed, the message gets flawed... but who’s fault would it be at that point?



Long Live The Vizionaries... Since delivery is so important, the messenger has an important role if they truly want to get the message out, effectively and successfully at least.. for example, if a man wants to tell a crowd of people that anyone wearing a blue shirt gets a million dollars, he’d have to yell it or put it on a poster or something, he can’t whisper it and expect people to hear his message... back to the telephone telephone reference... when you just follow a messenger, especially a messenger who only followers another messenger, well, the message gets distorted somewhere along the way.. the key is for each messenger to look to the very source of message.. the key for each vizionary is to find and follow the vizion… that's why I want people to free their mind so much, you can't just let it live in the box, you only see a small part of the vizion… on top of that, as a vizionary, you should promote the spread of the vizion and inspire/create more Vizionaries.. yes, everyone can and should be a vizionary, yes the vizion can be different depending on who that vizionary is… some people have a vizion of living in a big house, some have a vizion of getting away from it all… the big picture of the vizion is just making life better, for yourself and everyone else… my vizion/interpretation of that may be different from yours… my version is uniting and uplifting people, trying to decrease/end pollution and hate and all that, yours may be giving money to everyone so nobody has to struggle, or it may simply being complimenting everyone because you never know who may need it the most… either way, the vizionary has an important role in the vizion, and if they embrace that role, they will live forever


Long Live (i).... if you don't believe in yourself, you can't get mad when nobody else believes in you… if you don't have a mindset set up where you think you can do it, you can't be mad when things never go your way, by not believing in yourself, you automatically shut doors of opportunity and most importantly growth… no matter what you go through, you have to find a way to be your own motivation, your own inspiration, you can't get discouraged because someone is talking down on you, no, you prove them wrong.. everyone's going to talk about you no matter what you do, so don't give up just because someone says something like "you'll never be great".. prove them wrong… you have to be your own role model sometimes, yes, it's ok it be cocky sometimes, but don't let it get to your head, stay humble, yet be very confident in yourself… find that balance between confidence and modesty… don't let ego get in the way, ego will stop you from correcting or even acknowledging your mistakes, your ego will destroy you, yet being too modest will do just the same… don't let people walk over you yet don't be afraid of a lil criticism, don't be afraid to do something different, don't be afraid to fail… you never truly fail until you give up, and when you give up on yourself, success is completely out of the picture… look up to yourself, and be your own competition, after all, you are your greatest obstacle, you are your own brick wall… you not going to just defeat yourself day one, that's a lifetime of work… why? Because when you are constantly bettering yourself, constantly growing, becoming stronger mentally and physically, when you do that, so is your enemy: yourself… I don't know about you, but I'd never let my enemy defeat me… if you can't defeat yourself or if you don't even try to, then you can't really overcome anything… if you can't question yourself, if you can't challenge yourself, if you can't think, it's not much that you can do, and being successful is included… with that being said along with previous messages combined, be yourself, push yourself, you will be successful… believing in yourself is the first step.. Long Live [enter your name here]... be your number one fan, and don't let yourself down

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