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What is Vizionaries?

Who's a Vizionary? Someone who creates: you see something you want but don’t have, whether it's music, a shirt, a picture, a life- and you make it. Someone who dreams, the dreamers are so important to this world we cannot neglect or shut down their dreams, we need more dreamers because they dream up what the future will be. Someone who inspires or helps out in one way or another, someone who makes sacrifices, someone who doesn't quit, someone who’s different and unique, someone who has an idea of what the future can and will be like, a better future, and brings those ideas to life, someone who educates and enlightens, reads, writes, fights, speaks. 


The future is in the hands of The Vizionaries. When I say that, I'm not just talking about people who wear the clothing, especially given that Vizionaries will expand to more areas, more than just a product. Building an empire, a new world if you will. When I say that don't mistake my intentions with that of the NWO, I want a true Utopia. That cannot be achieved through physical means but through a mental Revolution. A mental Revolution is long overdue, and Vizionaries will lead the way. We will lead the way for people lost and confused as well as those who refuse to change their mindset. That's one of the other major goals of Vizionaries, given that it's necessary in order to truly make life and the world better for everyone. Vizionaries is a voice / platform for those who realize this, for those with open minds, for those creative minds, for everyone and we will all join together to form this Empire, this Collective Group whatever you want to call it, just understand it's always been more than the clothing. That's just one of my ways to get a message out, unite people, as well as encourage individualism and being different, and of course to inspire. This movement will use multiple forms of art to reach out to people- fashion, paintings, music, even architecture, there's an arts in everything. That is why when combined, all these voices, stories, ideas, will be utilized for greater purpose of building together- to build the future.


Any kind of physical revolution is POINTLESS if there is no kind of revolution on a mental scale. The mental revolution MUST come first. With that being said, I encourage you to: question everything, don't just believe something is true because it comes from some form of authority. Seek truth yourself, don't let yourself be led astray. Don't be so dependent on others. Of course, unity is key but working together is far different from not being able to do anything including think without someone else. Chances are that if you are reading this, you are no longer a baby. Push your limits, mentally and even physically. Trust me, no matter what you are doing- you can do more, better. Take some time to isolate yourself, get off your phone for a few hours at least, get away from distractions and just work on yourself, work on perfecting yourself and your craft. Reprogram your mind so that when there's a challenge, you don't back down, instead you rise up and find a solution if not multiple ones. Reprogram your mind to be confident that you can rise above the expectations. Reprogram your mind. Nothing changes if nothing changes, and any physical change that comes without any mental progress is a waste of time- if you are still in the same mental state as before, you will fall back into that loop and do what you have done all along. Work to be the best you, it's easy. Besides, why wouldn't you?


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